Trinity Youth Group
The TYG is a gathering of the Trinity youth and others from the community. They attended Daybreak, a gathering sponsored by the ELCA, held at Kalahari, Sandusky, Ohio, to look at the possibility of a mission trip event. The group has sponsored car washes, planned picnics, held studies, and are constantly seeking ways to share in the excitement of sharing with another in exciting new ways.
Women of Worship
WOW was organized to provide a place for the women of the church to gather for conversation, prayer, and study. This year's programs include a new study and meetings the first Tuesdays of the month.
Madison Food Center
The Madison Food Center is a program of the Madison Ministerial Association. Together, these churches and various community organizations fund and supply volunteers for this organization which provides food and health products for those struggling financially in Madison. Trinity has teams of volunteers who stock shelves and assist in the operation of the Food Center.
Trinity Choir
The Trinity Choir meets to prepare special music for the worship service. Musical selections include everything from 15th Century arrangements through contemporary music. Arrangements often include keyboard and instrumental accompaniment. The selections are tied to the scripture readings of the day to enhance the worship experience. The sharing of music is a great gift; the opportunity to sing and share time together is also a great opportunity to share with and get to know other members of Trinity. The words of scripture, set to music, draws one closer to the Word. As Luther said, "Those who sing pray twice."